News and Updates

YST Press Conference

Great media at YST Press Conference on 28/04/2024. YST outlining updates on the Outreach Programme and the plans for YST Exhibition and Awards...

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Rukwa Science Teachers Workshop

Thanks Jane Kanyama,YST RegionalCoordinator  for organising Science for Development Workshop with Rukwa teachers. Mr. Joseph Clowry facilitated...

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Kilimanjaro Science Teachers Workshop

Thanks Raphael Senkoro,YST RegionalCoordinator  for organising Science for Development Workshop with Kilimanjaro teachers. Mr. Joseph Clowry...

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Coast Science Teachers Workshop

Thanks Paul Balibate,YST RegionalCoordinator  for organising Science for Development Workshop with Coast teachers at Kibaha Secondary School on...

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Daily News Newspaper

"YST spearhead science, technology advancement in Tanzania l…” Daily News Newspaper interview with YST Project Manager Mr. Nabil Karatela and YST...

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Tanga Science Teachers Workshop

Thanks Nelson Makundi,YST RegionalCoordinator  for organising Science for Development Workshop with Tanga teachers. Mr. Joseph Clowry facilitated...

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Manyara Science Teachers Workshop

Thanks Josephine Geje,YST RegionalCoordinator  for organising Science for Development Workshop with Manyara teachers. Dr. Brendan Doggett facilitated...

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Geita Science Teachers Workshop

Thanks Emmanuel Juma,YST RegionalCoordinator  for organising Science for Development Workshop with Geita teachers. Dr. Gozibert Kamugisha facilitated...

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Simiyu Science Teachers Workshop

Thanks Hilda Mwaja,YST RegionalCoordinator  for organising Science for Development Workshop with Simiyu teachers. Dr. Gozibert Kamugisha facilitated...

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Unguja Science Teachers Workshop

Thanks Ame Haji Vuai,YST RegionalCoordinator  for organising Science for Development Workshop with Unguja teachers. Mr. Joseph Clowry facilitated...

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