News and Updates

YST Flash Back

YST Flash back August 2014 with arickard in Arusha with YST teachers and Sarah, a YST Regional Coordinator and YST 2014 in Dar with Rahema and Lisa...

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YST Regional Coordinators

A huge thank you to all our 28 YST Regional Coordinators who worked so hard this year. Mentoring our 604 Projects, Educating and advising our teachers...

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YST Flash Back

YST Flash back September 2019 with YST 2019 Winners Nasra and Editha in South  Africa at Exposcience, presenting their winning project on bees.

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Flashback of YST 2012 Winners

YST Flashback of YST 2012 Winners from Kibosho Girls in Kilimanjaro, Monica, Aisha and Nengai in Dublin at BTYSTE.

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YST Flash back

YST Flashback June 2010 at Kiroma Secondary School.Dr. Brendan met  Elizabeth as she is now a BSc Student, Institute of Marine Sciences UDSM “research...

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YST Flashback

YST Flashback on 5th May 2010.Dr. Gozibert Kamugisha, a YST Cofounder with Sister Stanisluas in Croke Park.

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John Method

Congratulations to all. Big shout out also to YST Winner 2017, John Method.

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Labour Day

Wishing all our students, teachers , supporters, friends and colleagues a very Happy Labour Day.

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Union Day

Happy Muungano Day. As we commemorate this very important milestone in Tanzania's history let's remember Stay Safe, Union Day.

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Ramadhan Kareem

Wishing all our Muslim Friends a happy, peaceful and healthy Ramadan,Ramadan Mubarak .Stay Safe, Social Distancing.

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