News and Updates

Press Conference Courtyard 2016

A press conference to bid farewell to YST 2015 to visit BTYSTE in Dublin was held at the Courtyard on 5th January 2016 and the following media was...

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The YST Press conference was held at Karimjee Foundation Head Office in Town on 04th of January 2016, to wish the YST 2015 Winners a safe journey to...

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YST 2014 Winners begin their journey as medical students

Dhariha and Salma..YST Winners 2014 off to study medicine with  YST university scholarship provided by Karimjee Jivanjee Foundaton.Salma & Dhariha...

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Science Teachers Outreach in Kilimanjaro

Science Teachers Outreach held at Rau Secondary School in Moshi-Kilimanjaro by Josephh Clowry.

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School Map!

See our schools locations!

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Outreach to Morogoro and Dodoma

St. Peters Claver, Dodoma. Principle, Fr. Kizito Busobozi, Teacher Emmanuel Komba and YSTs Science Officer Dr. Brendan Doggett discuss their project...

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Outreach to Shinyanga and Mbeya

On the 23rd of May the director of YST, Dr. Kamugisha Gozibert visited Shyinyanga to meet some of YST's partner schools.

They included:

  • Buhiba
  • Uhuru
  • ...
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Outreach Zanzibar & Pemba

On the 5th and 6th of July, the director of YST, Dr. Kamugisha Gozibert visited some teachers and students on Zanzibar. They were from:

  • Mwanakwelekwe
  • ...
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